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Features materials


The same combination of elements has the ability to generate much more than a single effect.





Xensum is a material which transmits a warm and velvety sensation to touch.

This is a composition of the new generation which, as well as its particular aesthetics, it has an extraordinary technical capacity.

It is waterproof to any liquid and every type of acid derived from food and drink. It is resistant to knocks and scratches thanks to the 7 cycles of treatment which strengthen it and keep the surface elastic.

XENSUM loves the light, the colour remains intact and stable also in surroundings exposed to a lot of sun.


Xensum special finishes

Unito    Decoro    Rilievo    Risalto    Wire-Mesh 


Xensum Unito


Unito is the original finishing process, which enhances the pureness of the material.

An innovative composition, submitted to seven cycles of treatment which make it waterproof against any liquid and resistant to knocks and scratches.

A product similar to the stone, obtained from one of our compound made with cement, different granulometry quartzites, water based binding and resins. Its application is exclusively handmade. 

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Xensum Decoro

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Its application is exclusively handmade. Decoro is added to machining cycles and it is the most artistic finish, that which maximizes personalization: an extemporary execution, but true to itself and combined to the matter.

Every Dedicated Decoro has been specifically studied to characterize certain products. Decoro finishing process is added to a particular application that embellish the subject. 

Every standard decoration has been studied for the best combination with Xensum colour. 

Customized Decoration and Design on request.

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Decoro designs

Dedicated Decoro designs



Xensum Rilievo

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Rilievo is the most articulate and subjective finishing process, that which designs the fascinating imprint of the irregularity of the material.

Its application is exclusively handmade.

Worked at different layers with steps of overlapping and elaboration in finishes with inspiration from the elegance of Cashmere, or the classic lines of Damasco or from the artistic movement of the beginning of the 90s. The Liberty. 

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Rilievo Designs




Xensum Risalto


Risalto is the process of finishing and decoration with different layers in which very customized subjects are represented. 

Risalto has been specifically studied in relation to match with Walls and it has various finishes:

Fregio, Onore, Vanto and Sigillo.

Its application is exclusively handmade.

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Colours for combinations of Risalto



Xensum Wire-Mesh

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Xensum wire mesh is the innovative finishing which combines

different materials in more layers.

The effect obtained is particular and unique, where the brightness of the metal network emerges and stands out from the material nature of the Xensum.

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Wire mesh colours

Xensum colours for combinations with Wire mesh




The artistic connotations highlights the accurate manual dexterity.

Every Imprexio represents a unique and unrepeatable creation.


Imprexio is the most characterized artistically and hand crafted material.

Its form is amazing, its elegance is compelling, that is obtained by composite fibre producing, combined to the structural panel with applications in alternate phases of coatings and water based resins.

In this case eight steps are necessary to obtain the finished product.

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Imprexio designs


Imprexio colours




The aspect of extreme lightness contrasts with the force of the highlights which enhance the features.

Luxme is a material warm to touch, but at the same time, incorruptible to every type of liquid and acid spilled.



Luxme form is amazing, its elegance is compelling, that is obtained by composite fibre producing, combined to the crystal body and applications in alternate phases of coatings and water based resins.

In this case eight steps are necessary to obtain the finished product.

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Luxme designs

Luxme colours

Luxme special





Obtained from the use of old fabrics, washed out, discolored and then colored again, put on a panel of wood specially engraved with geometric forms.


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Patchwork designs and colours





The composite materials are avant-garde materials for excellence, with amazing characteristics and multiple possibilities of applications.


They have remarkable resistance properties, lightness and inalterability and offer great freedom in design and size.

The designer is not tied anymore to the default dimensions and thicknesses of traditional materials. The fibers are ductile, adaptable to the artist's will and the form assumes an irreversible structure.

Unique, inimitable pieces are thus obtained, which maintain their aspect constant over time.

A composite material is a multi-step material created artificially and different from those that can be found in nature: the optimization of a property, based on the principle of combined actions, is obtained by the careful and studied mixture of two or more different materials, from which one that exalts the best features of both is developed.

The selection and processing of appropriate components is of crucial importance, to obtain the desired final structural and artistic properties.

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Support structures for tables, low tables and cupboards. Steel elements that, after their construction, endure treatment of phosphating and handmade coatings with water based paints.

This finishing gives to every single piece a unique appearance.


Finishing metal insert

Finishing metal frame


The chromatic effect of the samples and colours are indicative; there could be some differences in the finished product.